A $30.00 registration fee per dancer is required to attend classes at Momentum Dance. This is a one-time fee that covers the cost of managing each individual account throughout the year. Any classes taken during this dance season will be covered under this registration charge. Depending on class availability and room in each class, we will accept registration after our scheduled registration dates.
Tuition is based on an average of approximately 33-35 lessons per year from September-May. There is no extra monthly cost for months with 5 weeks, nor is there a reduction or discount for any months with less than 4 weeks. There is a yearly balance based upon total dance hours per week that is paid in an average monthly fee (tuition). There is no change in your monthly tuition due to holiday closings or scheduled class cancellations as they have already been factored into the average number of classes.
Monthly check and cash payments are due on the 1st of the month, but no later than the 5th of the month and must be received by 9:30pm.
Online tuition payments (FEES: There is a service fee for all online payments. If you are unsure of the service charge, be sure to email Miss Lisa for total) must be submitted on the 1st of the month by 9:00pm to avoid late fees. All other online payment process deadlines will be identified separately.
If your monthly tuition has not been paid in full by the 5th of the month, a $10.00 late fee will be added to your account and you will be notified of the late fee that should be added when payment is made. An additional $10.00 late fee will be charged every 7 days, beginning on the 12th of the month and every 7 days following until account is made current. However, it is at owner's discretion if classes for your dancer shall be paused until payment is received. Online tuition payments must be submitted on the 1st of the month by 9:00pm to avoid late fee. All other online payment process deadlines will be identified separately.
Be sure to mail in your tuition if necessary to avoid late fees. Tuition is NOT necessarily due at your first class of the month, but rather on the 1st (by the 5th). Payments can also be dropped in the nightly deposit at the front/staff entrance of the building or in the hallway mailbox outside of the studio waiting room. Vacations, student absences, etc are not reasons for tuition to not be timely. Payment should be made prior to a trip or dropped or mailed regardless to avoid late fee.
Please make all checks payable to Momentum Dance. A NSF fee of $20.00 will be applied to NSF checks. A $15.00 fee will be added to all declined credit/debit card payments each time payment is attempted unsuccessfully. All payments are non-refundable (This includes registration, deposits, previously/prior paid tuition and costume payments/balances.) No costumes will be given to students with overdue balances of any type. All accounts MUST be paid in full with absolutely no outstanding balances, for students to participate in the Showcase (to include the purchase of Showcase tickets.)
There are no refunds or discounted tuition prices for missed classes. The studio will make every attempt to arrange make-up classes for studio cancellations. The make-up classes will be at the discretion of the teacher. There are also no refunds issued for pre-paid tuition, registration fees, showcase fees, studio extra orders or costumes.
All students who register in the fall are encouraged to participate in our Spring Showcase in June. Because all group dances are dependent upon each person's participation, Momentum Dance requires a submitted form citing your intentions for Showcase that will be sent-out prior to costume orders. If you wish not to participate, it must be cited and submitted on this form. If this notice is not received, or you change your mind about participation later in the season, you will still be liable for Showcase costs to include costume payments/deposits/balances and Showcase fees.
Students will be measured for Showcase costumes during the fall months (October/November) as we try to have our orders placed prior to Christmas. Therefore, you must be prepared to make costume payments prior to this date. Also, there will be a $35.00 Showcase fee due per dancer (dependent upon venue choice and possible fundraising participation), which will include a contribution to the Showcase and a keepsake Showcase t-shirt. This fee is required and non-refundable for any dancer participating in the Spring Showcase and usually due in March.
Upon registration you are authorizing, on behalf of your child, Momentum Dance to use his/her name, likeness, voice, professional information or other like information in producing, advertising, illustrating and/or selling for all productions produced for Momentum Dance.
There are no contracts or obligation to remain in regular studio classes. However, if a student chooses to discontinue any or all classes, a parent or guardian must request a withdrawal form to complete and submit. We encourage all verbal communication regarding any issues or schedule complications, but official withdrawal may not be completed verbally with teachers over the phone, through an app or via email. The form is required no later than 14 days before the 1st of the next month. If the withdrawal notice is not received in this timeframe, the student will be charged for a full month of classes and will continue to be charged monthly until the official notice is received.
In the event of a power outage or inclement weather, please check under the "Weather Announcement" section on our website home page and check the BAND app for updates. In these circumstances, please use your own discretion as to whether you will attempt to make the class.
Please be considerate and message Miss Lisa or your dancer's teacher on the BAND app if you or your child is unable to make it to class. If you do not attend classes for more than 3 weeks, it is at owner's discretion whether classes may be attended again. If permitted, a registration fee may be required to re-register.
All students are required to wear appropriate dance clothing to every class. Jeans, baggy pants, khaki and denim shorts, and sweat suits are not acceptable. Two-piece dance apparel that shows the belly button/stomach is not allowed. Tights are required for all dancers. No street shoes are allowed on the dance floors. Students should be prepared for class with tights and dance shoes. Hair should be pulled back and out of the face during dance class. Specific dance dress code will be provided per level and class.
Please be sure to drive slowly as your progress around the back of the building to park. FOLLOW marked direction signs and arrows at all times! Dancers and Parents will use the side doors for entry and exit. We ask that children be supervised at all times while outside the main entrance to the studio for safety.